Personalized Grant Coaching for Nonprofit Professionals

Have you looked at a grant application and thought, “Where do I even start?” 

Or maybe you’ve submitted several grant applications and are wondering, “why aren’t we getting funded?” 

If you are looking for a little extra support from a grant writing coach—you’re in the right place! 

One Community Grant Consulting provides personalized grant writing training and coaching designed to empower nonprofit staff members who are invested in growing their skills as grant strategists and writers.

We’ll cover the key ingredients to grant success: following guidelines, managing time, writing clearly, knowing your audience, and building trust with funders. 

And because every nonprofit is unique, we’ll tackle your specific challenges—whether it’s crafting a compelling story or managing complex applications.

Wherever you are in your grant writing journey, let’s chat. Book a free 20-minute consultation, and let’s make grant writing less stressful—and more rewarding.

Coaching Process

Mastering Grant Writing Essentials (2-3 months)

  • Getting to Know You: I begin with getting to know you, your non-profit, and your goals, and answer questions about the coaching program.

  • Defining Your Learning Goals: We discuss your desired learning outcomes, preferred learning styles, and review key grant writing topics covered in the program.

  • Creating a Personalized Curriculum: Based on our conversation, we’ll craft a personalized plan that includes 5-8 skill-building curriculum topics, personal goals, and clearly defined responsibilities for both coach and client.

  • Training Approach: Coaching is delivered through one-on-one online sessions, with time for practice, discussion, and assigned "take-home" activities.

Goal: Clients will gain a solid understanding of the grant development process, improve their grant writing skills, and become more confident and effective grant writers.

Advanced Practice & Skill Building
(Up to 3 months)

  • Hands-On Support: As you take the lead in grant writing, we’ll review your drafts together. I’ll offer detailed feedback and guidance to improve clarity, persuasiveness, and alignment with funder requirements.

  • Follow-Up & Next Steps: After submission, we’ll debrief, identify areas for improvement, and refine your approach based on funder feedback, if available.

  • Ongoing Mentorship & Support: Grant writing is a continuous process. Even after our sessions, I’ll be here to offer guidance and answer questions as you further develop your skills and secure funding for your nonprofit.

Goal: Clients will strengthen their skills to independently manage and lead grant writing projects from start to finish, boosting their professional capabilities.